The PBE Index is unchanged from last month, but operators expect to report increased numbers next month after they’ve tallied the results of the year-end open enrollment period.
The EEOC has proposed rules addressing the extent to which employers may offer incentives to promote participation in wellness programs without violating the ADA.
June 18 -
EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants was a long time user of Liazons private exchange software, but this week launched its own exchange, developed in partnership with Hodges-Mace. Chris Duncan, EPICs chief growth officer, discusses the move and why exchanges may not be for everyone.
June 18 -
A legislation proposal by 32 Republicans that would temporarily preserve federal premium subsidies for enrollees through August 2017 if the Supreme Court rules them unconstitutional in King v. Burwell would simply bandage a festering wound. Thats the conclusion of a recent American Academy of Actuaries analysis.
June 18 -
Ending the Cadillac tax, simplifying the reporting process and eliminating the automatic enrollment requirement are a few of the legislative recommendations the American Benefits Council is urging Congress to act on.
June 18 -
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services internal controls did not effectively ensure the accuracy of nearly $2.8 billion in financial assistance payments to insurance companies under the Affordable Care Act during the first four months that the payments were made, according to a new government report.
June 17 -
Benefit advisers in several states have received new fee arrangements from Aetna that eliminate commissions on small-group business, causing an uproar among brokers, many of whom question the legality of such a practice.
June 17 -
HR departments lack a clear understanding of fees and commissions attached to private exchanges, with many early exchange adopters uncovering fees once they start using the model.
June 17 -
Commentary: Regardless of the federal minimum wage, companies must continue to comply with each states wage laws or face hefty fines and other penalties.
June 15 -
New consumer tools are in the works for, as the federal government focuses on the exchanges long-term success.
June 12 -
HHS Secretary Burwell says a Supreme Court ruling upholding the legality of subsidies on the federal exchange should shift the conversation about the ACA away from politics and toward improving access to affordable quality health care.
June 12