Benefits Think

12 key areas to ensure high-quality EAP support

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There are many new options for addressing employee mental health, sometimes too many. Navigating the possibilities can be overwhelming and time-consuming for benefit advisers on behalf of their employer clients, not to mention frustrating if the final choice fails to deliver. 

The key to unlocking employee support lies in employee assistance programs. While EAPs have been around for decades, there has been a perception that utilization has been largely disappointing — leaving missed opportunities along the way. This may be true for free or bundled EAPs that have little to no promotion. However, top-tier programs have routinely seen 30% to 50% usage. 

Whether or not an EAP has a strong and significant reach, the question becomes, how do benefit professionals evaluate EAP options to ensure high-quality support? The National Behavioral Consortium, a nonprofit trade association of top-tier EAP firms, suggests 12 questions that can help provide meaningful answers. 

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1. How long has the EAP firm been operating and is it financially stable? 
Wide-ranging experience and a sturdy balance sheet are critical to employee support. Financial stability ensures a long and healthy relationship between your client and its EAP. What's more, a track record of good EAP work means employees are far more likely to get the help they need.

2. What do long-term clients say about the firm? 
Don't rely on marketing messages. Check references, read reviews, and get clients' perspectives on the firm's strengths and weaknesses. Have a few of the HR team members "test drive" services.

3. Does the EAP offer a breadth of services? 
Beware of EAP services that focus on one solution. Many people need more than just counseling and want help with the problems of everyday life. In fact, issues such as legal and financial concerns, or childcare and eldercare demands, often drive mental health challenges. A good EAP provides emotional and practical resources. 

4. Is the EAP's technology current and tied to a technology roadmap? 
It's not unusual for app-based EAPs to position competitors as using "outdated" technology. In some cases, that's true. In others, it's not. Be sure to ask about all forms of current and planned technology, including self-help apps, self-scheduling, virtual capabilities, data reporting and more. 

5. Does the technology platform enable an effective user experience? 
Having the best technology is pointless if it doesn't serve the user well. Don't be afraid to follow the path to service that the employee populations you serve will experience whenever they opt for a self-driven pathway – or any path that involves technology.

6. What happens when an employee reaches out to the EAP? 
As with technology, it is important to try out the EAP service from the start to make sure the process of getting help is streamlined and friendly.

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7. Does the EAP spend time on the root cause of distress before suggesting solutions? 
Daily life challenges, like finding the right childcare and others mentioned earlier, often need to be addressed up front to accurately assess whether someone needs counseling. Directly funneling everyone to self-help, coaching or psychotherapy without addressing underlying issues, as some companies do, only serve to increase the duration, complexity and cost of support. 

8. What kind of follow-up occurs after the initial consultation? 
Each situation is different. There is a lot of follow-up involved in difficult situations such as manager referrals, eldercare needs and cases that involve multiple agencies. A strong EAP will follow up appropriately, remaining caring, flexible and skillful throughout. 

9. Can an employee switch between online and in-person care or request another counselor without obstacles? 
A good match between an employee and counselor is not always accomplished the first time around. EAPs that make it easy for employees to shift their counseling and access preferences are more apt to keep employees engaged in receiving help.

10. What has the EAP done to reduce the mental health stigma within an organization?
Mental health stigma can prevent employees and managers from accessing much needed services. Top-tier EAPs provide education, training, brochures, and other materials to minimize stigma and drive engagement.

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11. How does the EAP track benefits within an organization's health plan(s)? 
Seasoned EAPs learn to navigate their clients' health plans, as well as the organizations themselves, to drive the use of all employee resources. 

12. Does the EAP offer a balance of tech and human touches? 
While the convenience and power of self-help technology cannot be overstated, sometimes an employee just wants a human connection. Premier EAPs offer both. 

Private EAP firms began in the 1970s when smaller companies wanted what large companies had: support for employees and employers alike. Today, EAPs are still the most important tool for promoting workplace mental health, quickly addressing emotional issues and preventing job dysfunction from festering. Whether you're seeking a new EAP for clients or re-evaluating a current provider, don't be afraid to ask these 12 questions. A top-tier EAP will be more than happy to answer.

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Employee benefits Mental Health Health and wellness