Robin Powell
Benefits consultantRobin Powell is a benefits consultant at Strategic Benefits Advisors.
Robin Powell is a benefits consultant at Strategic Benefits Advisors.
The group's charter serves as a roadmap for plan oversight and provides evidence of the fiduciary's intent to manage the plan prudently.
Address administrative gaps and data errors, keep pension rosters current and establish a process for cashing out small balances to default IRAs.
IT security is no longer the job of any single department or individual. Here's how to thwart today’s increasingly savvy cybercriminals.
In the absence of a timely transfer of retirement funds to the recordkeeper, plan sponsors can pursue self-correction or filing through the DOL’s Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program.
RFPs, quality considerations and meticulous paper trails will help plan sponsors stay out of court given the inherent limitations of benchmarking exercises.
Clients should consider taking these steps before jettisoning an unsatisfactory benefits administration vendor.
New legislation may help employers and their teams kill two birds with one stone.
Don’t be scared by the word — these voluntary mini audits can keep plans running smoothly.
Are you getting the most from your outsourcer? Here are six things to check the next time you look under the hood of your relationship.