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There is a widely known quote related to learning and development that states, "What if we invest in training employees and they leave? On the other hand, what if we don't invest in L&D for employees and they stay?"
There is value in
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A first step in quantification is determining your leadership's focus. Different leaders and companies measure ROI differently, so it's important to deliver your results in a way that will be most meaningful to them. Key areas for measurement will include operational or production efficiencies; improving operational quality; growing sales or profit; improving customer satisfaction;
You may even want to select more than one focus considering that quantifying L&D isn't always straightforward and can benefit the organization across a number of areas. For example, upskilling a specific operational skill can be measured in terms of production efficiency or quality, before and after. However, upskilling executive communication is more difficult to measure because results will be experienced across a broader area within the organization.
Some of the most successful ways to quantify L&D within your organization include measuring: