Massachusetts, DC and Connecticut rank as top places for working fathers


Shifting gender norms and more inclusive workplace policies have made it easier for the working father to spend more time with their children. While the modern-day dad doesn't face the same expectation to be the sole breadwinner as before, the state he lives in often helps determine his circumstances. 

Variations in state law and a state's overall economic well-being help determine the situation for working fathers across America, according to a new report by WalletHub. Few states have paternity leave mandates, and other factors, such as the average length of the work day, can significantly impact a father's level of involvement at home. 

Read More: What about Dad? 

The economy and law, however, aren't cure-alls. Although some states, such as New York, have introduced paid leave for fathers, many dads still struggle to take leave due to fear of consequences. Studies demonstrate that paternity leave has benefits for the whole family, linked with improved health for mothers and lower divorce rates. 

"Even though the employer may offer these leaves, bosses and coworkers often look down on men who take them," Linda Nielsen, a professor at Wake Forest University, said in WalletHub's press release. "Consequently, these dads might get fewer raises, fewer promotions, and fewer of the more 'desirable' opportunities at work. "

To help determine the best and worst states for working dads, Wallethub conducted a study across the 50 states and the District of Columbia. They used 23 different metrics, from the cost of child care to insurance rates, to help measure their results. Here are their findings.


Massachusetts takes the top spot in the survey. It has the second lowest rate of child poverty with a father present.  At about three percent, Massachusetts also has the lowest male uninsured rate. In comparison, Texas has the highest male uninsurance rate, at 18.40%.

District of Columbia

The District of Columbia takes the spot for the highest median family income. It also has the second lowest male uninsured rate.


Connecticut scored the fourth highest in child care and healthcare in the survey. 


Minnesota has the third highest male life expectancy and one of the lowest male uninsured rates.

New Jersey

New Jersey ranks fourth highest for work-life balance.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island has one of the lowest male uninsured rates among all the states. 


Wisconsin ranked in the top 10 for health, economic and social well-being, and work-life balance.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire has the lowest child poverty rate for those living with a father present.


Virginia ranked fourth highest in economic and social well-being. 


Washington scored the second highest for male life expectancy.