What industry saves the most for retirement?

retirement planning

The amount those saving for retirement can put aside for the future varies across industries based on factors including the type of company they work for (which influences employer contributions), as well as workforce demographics, which influences the amount a participant contributes, according to Vanguard

Read more: Healthcare workers aren't confident they're saving enough to retire 

Employees in the agriculture, mining and construction industries save the most, with an average of $185,511 and a median of $47,517 in retirement savings.

Read more about the difference in retirement savings across industries.

Industries ranked by retirement savings

Rank Industry Average Median
1 Agriculture, mining, and construction $185,511 $47,517
2 Finance, insurance, and real estate $184,561 $53,829
3 Media, entertainment, and leisure $178,288 $78,929
4 Business, professional, and nonprofit $141,515 $38,189
5 Manufacturing $132,599 $34,000
6 Transportation, utilities, and communications $105,335 $23,261
7 Wholesale and retail trade $102,452 $23,354
8 Education and health $96,258 $24,114
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where agriculture, mining and construction ranks 1st with an average of $185,511 in retirement savings.
Agriculture, mining and construction ranked 1st with an average of $185,511 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where finance, insurance and real estate ranks 2nd with an average of $184,561 in retirement savings.
Finance, insurance and real estate ranked 2nd with an average of $184,561 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where media, entertainment and leisure ranks 3rd with an average of $178,288 in retirement savings.
Media, entertainement and leisure ranked 3rd with an average of $178,288 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where business, professional and nonprofit ranks 4th with an average of $141,515 in retirement savings.
Business, professional and nonprofit ranked 4th with an average of $141,515 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where manufacturing ranks 5th with an average of $132,599 in retirement savings.
Manufacturing ranked 5th with an average of $132,599 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where transportation, utilities and communications ranks 6th with an average of $105,335 in retirement savings.
Transportation, utilities and communications ranked 6th with an average of $105,335 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where wholesale and retail trade ranks 7th with an average of $102,452 in retirement savings.
Wholesale and retail trade ranked 7th with an average of $102,452 in retirement savings.
Chart showing what industry saves the most for retirement where education and health ranks 8th with an average of $96,258 in retirement savings.
Education and health ranked 8th with an average of $96,258 in retirement savings.