"Revenge quitting" is an emerging trend where employees voice their dissatisfaction with their job situation before heading abruptly out the door. A
While just 4% of employees intend to quit without notice this year, it's still something HR should be addressing, says Shane Elahi, chief operating officer at Software Finder. When an employee quits, it can be destabilizing to the entire team, he says.
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"Revenge quitting puts HR managers in an arduous position as they need to make both urgent and intentional long-term retention plays," Elahi says. "HR leaders have to move fast in areas of pay, career development, and feeling stuck, otherwise talent can be lost abruptly, team stability threatened, and hiring cycles repeated again."
While it may be
But while employees may stay, disengagement and burnout come with a steep cost, too:
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"There's a deeper issue within workplace culture, where employees sense they have few viable options for advancement or relief from mounting frustrations," Elahi says.
If employers find themselves with a disengaged workplace on the verge of quitting, it's not the point of no return, Elahi says. Setting up meetings to discuss issues and find solutions, like mentorship opportunities, project management or additional workplace benefits, could help employees get out of their rut. Yet 27% of employees who have voiced their issues with managers or HR leaders felt their reaction to their concerns was poor, according to Software Finder.
"Managers need to actively show they are listening," Elahi says. "Regular one-on-one conversations, coupled with anonymous feedback channels, can help leaders pinpoint issues early."
Offering benefits like a
"Address key concerns around feeling undervalued or 'stuck,'" Elahi says. "By recognizing achievements and outlining clear, achievable career paths, bosses can foster a more supportive environment and help reduce the temptation to leave out of frustration."