Along with co-founder Dan Langevin, Mike Levin launched
Levin is the recipient of a Dig|Benefits Technology Innovator Award, a program designed to recognize visionaries who are driving technology innovation in the benefits space. Winners will be honored at the

“We believe employee benefits will follow a similar trajectory as the migration from pensions to 401(k)s,” says Levin. “Benefits will be less patriarchal, more transportable and be actively managed by the individual. With a shift from defined benefit to defined contribution associated with this transition, employees will demand choice, transparency and tools to manage their benefits. Technology will enable this transition.”
Vericred was named a finalist in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/U.S. Health and Human Services Provider Network Challenge in April 2015. The startup also recently closed a second round of seed financing, raising $3.1 million, which will be used to expand the company’s data services and offerings while scaling its sales efforts.
From robo-advisers to virtual benefit counselors, employers today have an array of solutions to meet the needs of their tech-savvy workforces.
Over the next 10 years, “technology will facilitate choice through marketplaces and exchanges. Decision support and transparency tools will help individuals properly evaluate their current and future needs,” says Levin. “These tools will help individuals select and evolve the appropriate package of benefits for their changing facts and circumstances, including changes in employer. Apps will track benefit utilization and use this data to help both the individual maximize his or her benefits and to power decision support affecting future benefit selection or modifications.
For more details on the Dig|Benefits event, including the