Health and wellness programs are virtually meaningless if a workplace culture is bad, according to Jeffrey Pfeffer, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford Universitys graduate school of business. Speaking during the annual Great Place to Work conference in New Orleans, Pfeffer said that unhealthy workplaces can cause up to 125,000 employee deaths each year and add up to $130 billion in excess annual company costs.
Many of the individual behaviors you are focusing on in your health and wellness programs [such as] stop smoking, eat better, exercise more, are in fact the consequences of the environments in which they [employees] are working, Pfeffer says. If you work people to death, of course they are going to smoke more, drink more and eat worse.
Pfeffer outlined his concept of social sustainability, where companies invest more in making their human capital sustainable.
Work organizations ought to be measuring the health of their workforce, he said in his keynote speech. Just as many places today measure carbon, renewables and environmental impacts, we ought to measure human sustainability just as much as we measure environmental sustainability.
When determining
The higher you are [in the organizational structure of your company] the more control you have; the lower you are, [the] more flows down hill, Pfeffer said, while noting that low control over ones work increases a persons likelihood of having a cardiovascular event.
This should not be surprising to you:
In addition to offering health and wellness programs, Pfeffer said that a
Because if I offer you health and wellness programs, and diet and exercise assistance, but I do not change the conditions in which you work, I am fighting a losing battle, Pfeffer says.
According to Pfeffers research, some European countries report, on average, 22.4% less in workplace health care costs than U.S. companies. If the U.S. were to take up similar European approaches to workplace health and health care, it would result in a $42 billion reduction in health care spending, he said.