April 15 is just around the corner. While many Americans dread Tax Day, it presents defined contribution plan sponsors with an opportunity to demonstrate their value as
Anyone who is 18 or older, not a full-time student, and not claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return is eligible for a
To help plan participants adopt better saving habits, and also improve their retirement outcomes, sponsors can proactively encourage participants who receive a saver’s credit to avoid the temptation to spend that refund — and, instead, invest it in a Roth IRA account so it can be
This financial Incubation is like exercise — it feels better the more you do it. By educating participants about the importance of incubating saver’s credits in the retirement system, sponsors can hopefully it less likely that workers will cash out their 401(k) accounts when they change jobs. Cash-outs are responsible for 89% of all asset leakage from our country’s retirement system, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, and seriously undermine participants’ chances of achieving a financially secure retirement.
Just how much does cashing out hurt the average participant? Our calculations indicate that a hypothetical 30-year-old who cashes out a $5,000 401(k) savings balance today would, by age 65, forfeit up to $52,000 in lost earnings and appreciations. A hypothetical participant who cashes out on three occasions before retiring would reduce their retirement savings from over 6 times pay to 1.25 times pay, according to Aon Hewitt.

And speaking of Tax Day, participants who cash out suffer not one, but two hits to their wallets. In addition to being subject to taxes and early withdrawal penalties which reduce the overall sum they receive, participants also forgo future growth and potential retirement income on the amount withdrawn.
Furthermore, findings from E*TRADE Financial’s StreetWise quarterly study,
This is why plan sponsors need to proactively encourage younger participants, and especially millennials, to develop the habit of keeping their hard-earned retirement savings incubated in the retirement system for as long as possible. Advising and assisting participants with incubating their 2019 saver’s credit goes hand in hand with any
Why FIRE Adherents will love auto-portability
The financial independence, retire early (FIRE) movement has been “catching fire,” no pun intended, among millennials eager to achieve a financially secure retirement as quickly as possible.
If broadly adopted, auto portability can preserve an estimated $1.5 trillion in retirement savings, measured in today’s dollars, in the U.S. retirement system, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
However, millennials can benefit from auto-portability more than other participants.
In addition to EBRI’s conclusions, there is another reason why auto-portability is important for helping millennials achieve their retirement-saving goals. If a 401(k) account is
Using data from New England Pension Consultants, which reported that the median record-keeping fee for defined contribution plan participants was $70 in 2014, a hypothetical worker who leaves a 401(k) savings account behind in a former-employer plan at age 30
Failing to transport and consolidate even one 401(k) savings account during their working lives can cost millennials nearly $7,000 in retirement income.
This fact underscores the importance of educating plan participants, and especially millennials, about why they should keep their assets consolidated and incubated in the U.S. retirement system. Start the conversation — remind eligible participants to claim for a saver’s credit on their tax returns and advise them to invest that refund in the retirement system.