8 wage and hour mistakes that could cost millions
“The unfortunate thing about wage and hour is it's entirely preventable,” she said at the Society for Human Resource Management’s annual conference in Chicago. “You’re talking about millions of dollars. When you get one of these claims it can be catastrophic to the business.”
The following instances are areas Moore believes employers can really home in on to help avoid risk.

Off-the-clock work
She advised employers keep accurate timekeeping policies and to update and maintain them as laws change. Train employees and supervisors to know everything on timekeeping. Does your timekeeping system round, if so, does it round evenly and fairly, she advises. Investigate and review your records for accuracy.

Pay equity
And she advised employers to look beyond just hourly rates and salary; evaluate bonuses, incentive pay and benefits. Additionally, identify jobs that are comparable and look for possible discrepancies there. For example, she said, a janitor versus a housekeeper.

Independent contractors
The traditional test employers can use to evaluate there is if there is a “right to control,” she said.
As an example, in Massachusetts, an independent contractor must be:
· Free from control and direction in connection with performance of service, both under contract and in fact
· Performs service outside the usual course of business of employer
· Customarily engaged in independently established business of same nature involved in service performed
Vet contractors and vendors and audit existing contracts, she advised. Additionally, have written independent contract agreements and follow them, she added.

Minimum wage and overtime
Regarding rate calculations, unless salaries employers are owed 1.5 times their regular rate of pay for all time worked in excess of 40 hours, she said. This includes all remuneration for employment except certain payments excluded by the FLSA, including PTO, vacation pay, sick pay, gifts etc. That means, she noted, overtime rates must include commissions, salary, piece rate, nondiscretionary bonuses and incentives.
And the classification of employees is also paramount. Just paying a salary doesn’t mean a worker is exempt from overtime. “Exempt” means not subject to certain FLSA requirements, she said.
And misclassifications can come at a cost. For an example, a former employee was paid a $60,000 salary, worked 50 hours per week for one year and paid biweekly.
In that scenario, there was $22,500 of unpaid OT. For a class of 100, that means $2,250,000 without any penalties, interest or attorney fees, she said.
Employers should audit exemptions and to follow up with payroll to ensure they are performing regular rate calculations properly, and including all wage types.

Arbitration agreements

Predictive and fair scheduling
San Francisco, Seattle, New York City and Oregon have laws either in the books or recently passed and similar legislation is being considered in 13 states and four municipalities, she noted.

PAGA clones

Biometric timekeeping
There are three statutes on the books that directly regulate biometric information privacy, she noted, with Illinois being the most aggressive, and Texas and Washington’s being less comprehensive.
“Know if you have biometric time keeping and start using consent forms,” she advised. “Or if you are instituting biometric timekeeping, be aware of what’s coming down the line.”