
1. Lower-cost care

Savings, including travel costs, can be as much as 30% to 90% off U.S. costs, says Malida.

2. Quality of care

The quality of medical care worldwide has increased. “The rapid increase in technology and drug advancements has really escalated in the last 10 years,” says Malida. “Developing countries are getting the benefit of that as well.” In addition, some U.S.-trained physicians go work abroad to avoid high malpractice premiums here in the U.S. “Some of the best doctors are going abroad anyway,” she says.

3. Economic climate

The economic climate in developing countries has improved. “Asian countries in particular have made a lot of advancements in their economy over the last five to 10 years,” says Malida. “The Middle East [countries] have always had strong economies and they’re a real big destination for medical travel.”

4. Procedures not covered by insurance

Employees may travel abroad to obtain cosmetic care, dental care, or other care not typically covered by traditional health insurance.

5. Avoid wait times

Residents of countries with national health care may travel abroad to avoid long waiting lines.

6. Obtain experimental or investigational treatments

People may travel abroad to receive treatments — experimental or investigational — that are not yet legal in the U.S. “People get desperate and they’re looking for ways to extend their life,” says Malida. “Health insurance policies are typically not going to pay for something that’s not been approved by the FDA or something that’s experimental or investigational that doesn't have a proven outcome for curing cancer.”

7. Inbound medical tourists

The U.S. has a reputation for leading edge medical innovation. When money is no object, inbound medical tourists to the United States may seek the highest levels of medical skill and technology.

8. Enjoy a vacation

Employees may seek care abroad to enjoy a vacation along with treatment. “Mexico and Thailand come to mind because both of them have an abundance of beautiful beaches,” says Malida.

9. To incorporate local therapies

Less frequently, people may engage in medical tourism to incorporate local therapies (e.g., yoga or Chinese medicine) with their ongoing treatments.

10. Sense of entitlement

Most people are unwilling to cut corners on their health care just because treatment costs are too high. As a result, “they are willing to consider things they might not otherwise consider,” says Malida. “Most people are not willing to be told the money’s up and insurance won’t pay for anymore health care.”